Excel Mastery: Free Course & Table of Contents

Excel Mastery: Free Course & Table of Contents

Let's Unlock the power of Excel with our free course! From basic formulas to advanced functions, In this course, you get all the necessary concepts that are mainly asked in the Lokesewa Exam.  

Electronic Spreadsheet (Excel)

Concept of Electronic Spreadsheet

  • An electronic spreadsheet is a type of software that allows the user to store, manipulate, and analyze data in tabular form, effectively emulating a traditional paper spreadsheet. Each data point is stored in a cell, and these cells are organized into rows and columns. This structured format is especially useful in various applications such as financial analysis, budgeting, accounting, data management, etc.
  1. Microsoft Excel: The most widely used spreadsheet application, known for its powerful calculation, graphing tools, pivot tables, and a programming language called VBA (Visual Basic for Applications).
  • The power of electronic spreadsheets is to automatically calculate and update results as the data is changed automatically. They can handle complex mathematical formulas and provide tools for graphing data, sorting, and filtering.

Types of Electronic Spreadsheets

There are several types of electronic spreadsheet applications available. Some of the most popular ones include:

  1. Google Sheets: A free, web-based application that provides similar functionality to Excel, with additional collaboration features.
  2. Apple Numbers: A spreadsheet application developed by Apple Inc. as part of the iWork productivity suite alongside Keynote and Pages.
  3. OpenOffice Calc: A free and open-source spreadsheet program from the OpenOffice suite, similar to Microsoft Excel.
  4. LibreOffice Calc: Also free and open-source, it's a part of the LibreOffice suite and is quite similar to Excel and Calc from OpenOffice.

Organization of Electronic Spreadsheet Application

  • Cell: The basic unit of a spreadsheet. It's the intersection of a row and a column. Each cell can contain a unique piece of data or a formula.
  • Row: A vertical set of cells. In Excel, rows are identified by numbers (1, 2, 3, etc.).
  • Column: A horizontal set of cells. In Excel, columns are identified by letters (A, B, C, etc.), then by two letters (AA, AB, AC, etc.), and so on.
  • Worksheet (or Sheet): A single, two-dimensional grid of cells. A worksheet can contain thousands of rows and columns.
  • Workbook: A file containing one or more worksheets. In other words, a workbook is like a book containing multiple pages (sheets). In Excel, a new workbook comes with one worksheet by default, but you can add more as needed.
  • Workspace: This refers to the environment where workbooks are opened. In Excel, it can also specifically refer to a saved Excel file (.xlw) that saves and displays information about multiple workbook windows such as their position, size, and the workbooks that are opened.

Each of these elements work together to provide a robust data manipulation and calculation tool that's widely used across different fields.

Introduction to Spreadsheet Application

  • A spreadsheet application is a type of software that enables users to create, manipulate, and analyze data in a tabular format. This software makes it possible to perform complex calculations, create visualizations such as charts and graphs, and use programming to automate tasks.
  • Spreadsheet applications are used across many different industries, including finance, marketing, science, education, and more. They're essential tools for data management, budgeting, scheduling, accounting, and project management.

Creating, Opening, and Saving a Workbook in Microsoft Excel:

Creating a Workbook:

  1. Open Microsoft Excel.
  2. Click on "File" in the menu bar at the top of the screen.
  3. From the drop-down menu, select "New".
  4. Select "Blank Workbook".
  5. A new, blank workbook will open for you to start working on.

Opening a Workbook:

  1. Open Microsoft Excel.
  2. Click on "File" in the menu bar.
  3. From the drop-down menu, select "Open".
  4. Browse to the location of the workbook you want to open, select it, then click "Open".

Saving a Workbook:

  1. After you've entered some data into your workbook, click on "File" in the menu bar.
  2. From the drop-down menu, select "Save As".
  3. Browse to the location where you want to save your workbook.
  4. Enter a name for your workbook in the "File name" field.
  5. Make sure the "Save as type" field is set to "Excel Workbook (*.xlsx)".
  6. Click "Save".

Remember, it's important to save your workbook frequently as you work to prevent loss of data due to power loss or computer crash.

5.4.2 Elements of Electronics Spreadsheets Environment (Menu, Toolbars, Status bar, Rulers, Scrollbars, etc)

The elements of the electronic spreadsheet environment can vary slightly based on the specific software you're using (like Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets, Apple Numbers, etc.), but generally, they consist of the following components:

  1. Toolbars/Ribbon: Toolbars (also known as Ribbon in more recent versions of Excel) contain icons representing various commands and functions. These are typically grouped by functionality. For example, you might see groups for font options, alignment, number formatting, formulas, etc. In newer versions of Excel, the Ribbon is context-sensitive, meaning the options displayed will change depending on what you're doing at the time.
  2. Spreadsheet Grid: This is the main working area where data is entered. It consists of a large grid of cells, with columns identified by letters and rows by numbers. The intersection of a row and a column is a cell, which is where data is entered and manipulated.
  3. Spreadsheet Grid: This is the main working area where data is entered. It consists of a large grid of cells, with columns identified by letters and rows by numbers. The intersection of a row and a column is a cell, which is where data is entered and manipulated.
  4. Status Bar: Located at the bottom of the window, the status bar displays information about the current worksheet and any selected cells. It can show whether the program is ready, busy, or waiting for user input. It can also display information like the average, count, or sum of selected cells.
  5. Scrollbars: Located along the right side and the bottom of the application window, these allow you to navigate through the sheet vertically or horizontally.
  6. Rulers: While spreadsheets like Excel and Google Sheets do not inherently have rulers like word processing software, they have column headers and row headers that define the width of columns and height of rows respectively. You can adjust these by clicking and dragging.
  7. Sheet Tabs: These are located at the bottom of the window, and each tab represents a different worksheet within the workbook. You can switch between sheets by clicking on their tabs. You can also add, rename, or delete sheets using options that appear when you right-click on a tab.
  8. Quick Access Toolbar (in Excel): Located in the top-left corner of the window, this contains shortcuts to commonly used commands, like Save, Undo, Redo. You can customize this toolbar based on your needs.

Remember, These elements together provide a robust interface to manipulate and analyze data effectively.

5.4.3 Editing, Copying, Moving, Deleting Cell Contents

Editing Cell Contents

Editing a cell's content means to change or modify the information inside a cell.

Steps to edit a cell content:

  1. Select the cell you want to edit by clicking on it.
  2. Double-click on the cell to enter the edit mode, or press F2.
  3. Make your changes in the cell.
  4. Press Enter or click outside the cell to finish editing.

Copying Cell Contents:

Copying cell content refers to duplicating the content of a cell and placing it in a different cell without removing the original content.

Steps to copy cell content:

  1. Select the cell you want to copy.
  2. Right-click and select "Copy", or press Ctrl+C (Cmd+C on Mac).
  3. Click on the cell where you want to paste the copied content.
  4. Right-click and select "Paste", or press Ctrl+V (Cmd+V on Mac).

Moving cell contents:

Moving cell content refers to relocating the contents of a cell to a different cell, which removes the content from the original cell.

Steps to move cell content:

  1. Select the cell whose contents you want to move.
  2. Right-click and select "Cut", or press Ctrl+X (Cmd+X on Mac).
  3. Select the cell where you want to move the content.
  4. Right-click and select "Paste", or press Ctrl+V (Cmd+V on Mac).

Deleting cell contents

Deleting cell content refers to removing the contents of a cell without affecting other cells.

Steps to delete cell content:

  1. Select the cell you want to clear.
  2. Right-click and select "Clear Contents", or simply press the Delete key on your keyboard.

These actions can also be performed on multiple cells at once. To select multiple cells, click and drag your mouse over the cells you want to select, or hold down the Shift key while using the arrow keys to expand your selection.

5.4.4 Familiar with Devanagari Fonts

5.4.5 Editing, Copying, Moving Deleting Cell Contents

Cell formatting in spreadsheets refers to changing the appearance of individual cells to improve readability, highlight important data, or adhere to a specific data type or pattern. This can include changes to the cell's font, border, background, alignment, number format, and more.

  1. Font

Font formatting includes changes to the typeface, size, color, and style (bold, italic, underline, etc.) of the text within a cell.

Steps to change the font:

  • Select the cell or cells you want to format.
  • On the toolbar, select the desired font type, size, color, or style.
  1. Boarder

You can add or change the style of the border around a cell or group of cells.

Steps to add a border:

  • Select the cell or cells where you want to add a border.
  • On the toolbar, click on the "Border" button and choose the type of border you want to apply.
  1. Pattern(Background color)

You can change the background color of a cell to highlight it.

Steps to change the background color:

  • Select the cell or cells you want to highlight.
  • On the toolbar, click on the "Fill color" button and select the color you want.
  1. Alignment

This refers to the positioning of the data within a cell - it can be aligned to the left, right, center, top, bottom, etc.

Steps to change alignment:

  • Select the cell or cells you want to align.
  • On the toolbar, select the desired horizontal and/or vertical alignment.
  1. Number Formatting

This refers to how numerical data is displayed in a cell - it could be a number, currency, date, time, percentage, etc.

Steps to change number formatting:

  • Select the cell or cells you want to format.
  • On the toolbar, click on the "Number Format" button and select the format you want to apply.
  1. Protection

This is a feature that allows you to lock certain cells to prevent them from being modified. This is useful when you want to share your spreadsheet with others but don't want them to change certain data or formulas.

Steps to protect cells:

  • Select the cell or cells you want to protect.
  • Right-click on the selection and choose "Format Cells".
  • Go to the "Protection" tab and check the "Locked" box.
  • Click "OK" to close the dialog box.
  • Then, go to the "Review" tab on the toolbar and select "Protect Sheet". Set a password if desired.

Remember, changes you make to cell formatting will not affect the actual data within the cell, only how it is displayed.

5.4.6 Formatting Rows, Columns, and Sheets

Just as you can format individual cells in a spreadsheet, you can also format entire rows, columns, or even whole sheets at once. This can be useful when you want to apply the same formatting to a lot of data at once.

  1. Formatting Rows and Columns:

    Formatting a row or column is similar to formatting a cell but applies to all cells within that row or column. This could include changing the height of a row or the width of a column, changing the font or alignment of text, adding a border, and more.

    Steps to format rows and columns:

    • Click the header of the row or column you want to format. This will select the entire row or column.
    • Apply the desired formatting using the toolbar options, just like you would for a single cell. For example, to change the row height or column width, right-click the row or column header and select "Row Height" or "Column Width", then enter the desired value.
  2. Formatting Sheets:

    Formatting a sheet involves applying a specific format to the entire worksheet. This could be useful if you want to set a consistent font, number format, or color scheme across the entire sheet. Note that applying a format to the entire sheet will not override any formatting that has already been applied to specific cells, rows, or columns.

    Steps to format a sheet:

    • Click the "Select All" button (the small rectangle in the top-left corner where the row and column headers meet), or press Ctrl+A (Cmd+A on Mac). This will select the entire sheet.
    • Apply the desired formatting using the toolbar options.
    1. Menu Bar: This is usually located at the very top of the application window. It contains dropdown menus like File, Edit, View, Insert, Format, Data, Tools, and Help. Each of these menus contains options relevant to the text on the menu. For example, the File menu often includes options to create a new file, open an existing file, save the current file, and more.

Remember, as with cell formatting, these formatting options only affect how your data is displayed, not the data itself. So, you can feel free to experiment with different formats to find what works best for your specific needs.

5.4.7 Using Formula - Relative Cell, Absolute Cell, and Mixed Cell Reference

A cell reference in Excel refers to a cell or a range of cells on a worksheet. It is used to link one cell to another and tell Excel where to look for the data it needs to complete a formula.

For Example, let's say if we have data in cell A1 and we want to use that data in cell B5, then we use =A1 (which means we copy the reference to A1 or the address of the A1 cell in B5). It's called cell reference.

  1. Relative References:
    • By Default, all cell references are relative.
    • They change based on the relative position of rows and columns when a formula is copied or moved to another cell.
    • For example, if you copy the formula =A1+B1 from row 1 to row 2, the formula will become =A2+B2.
    • This is convenient whenever you need to repeat the same calculation across multiple rows or columns.
    • A reference like 'A1' in a formula is a relative reference.
  2. Absolute References:
    • These references do not change when copied or filled.
    • An absolute reference is used to keep a row and/or column constant.
    • An absolute reference is designated in a formula by the addition of a dollar sign ($) before the column and row.
    • For instance, '$A$1' is an absolute reference, meaning the formula will always refer to cell A1.
    • This is beneficial when you want to use the same exact cell in multiple formulas.
  3. Mixed Reference :
    • A mixed cell reference is a combination of relative and absolute cell references. One part (either the column or the row) is relative, and the other part is absolute.
    • A mixed reference is a reference where only the column or the row is fixed.
    • For instance, 'A$1' is a mixed reference. Here, the column reference (A) is relative, and the row reference (1) is absolute. This means that if the formula is copied to another column, it will change its column reference, but if copied to another row, it will keep its row reference.

When writing formulas in Excel, you can press the F4 key on your keyboard to switch between relative, absolute, and mixed cell references. This is a quick way to insert the reference type you need for your formula

5.4.8 Using Basic Function


predefined formula in a excel is a function ( no add any mathmatical sign bu get the result is call predefined forumla)

AFormula is an expression that calculates values in a cell or in a range of cells. For example, =A2+A2+A3+A4 is a formula that adds up the values in cells A2 through A4. Function is a predefined formula already available in Excel.


A function is a predefined formula that performs calculations using specific values in a particular order.

5.4.9 Generating series

Generating a series in Excel means creating a sequence of numbers or dates based on a pattern. Excel simplifies this with the "Fill Handle" tool and the "Series" dialog, making series creation quick and intuitive.

Here's how you can generate a series in Excel:

1. Using the Fill Handle:

For Numbers:

  1. Enter the starting number in a cell (e.g., 1).
  2. Move your cursor to the bottom right corner of the cell until it becomes a small black cross (this is the "Fill Handle").
  3. Click and drag down or across to generate an increasing sequence. For a different interval (e.g., increments of 2), enter the first two numbers of the sequence, select them both, and then drag the Fill Handle.

For Dates:

  1. Enter a date in a cell (e.g., 01/01/2023).
  2. Use the Fill Handle to drag down or across. By default, Excel will increment by one day.
  3. For a different interval (e.g., monthly or yearly), after you start dragging, right-click and hold, drag to the endpoint, and then choose the desired interval from the context menu that appears.

2. Using the Series Dialog Box:

  1. Select the range of cells where you want your series to appear.
  2. Go to the Home tab.
  3. In the Editing group, click on Fill and choose Series from the dropdown.
  4. In the Series dialog box, choose the type of series:
    • Linear: Regular increment (e.g., 1, 2, 3, 4…).
    • Growth: Multiplicative increment (e.g., 2, 4, 8, 16…).
    • Date: Generate a sequence of dates.
    • AutoFill: Based on a pattern in adjacent cells.
  5. Specify the step value (the difference between values in the series) and the stop value (the end point of the series).
  6. Click OK.

3. Generating a Series with Formulas:

You can also use formulas to generate a series. For instance, if you want to create a series that adds 5 to the previous cell's value:

  1. Enter your starting number in a cell, say A1.
  2. In A2, enter the formula =A1+5.
  3. Copy cell A2 and paste or drag it down to fill the series.

5.4.10 Changing Default Options

5.4.11 Sorting and Filtering Data

What is Sorting?

  • Sorting is the process of arranging data in a specific order, usually in ascending (A to Z, smallest to largest) or descending (Z to A, largest to smallest) order.

How to Sort in Excel:

  1. Single Column Sorting:
    • Click anywhere in the column you want to sort.
    • Go to the Data tab on the ribbon.
    • Click on the Sort Ascending (A to Z) or Sort Descending (Z to A) button.
  2. Multiple Column Sorting:
    • Select the entire dataset.
    • Go to the Data tab and select Sort.
    • Add levels to sort by each column in the desired order.

Note: Excel will usually prompt you if your data has headers and will adjust the sorting process accordingly.

Filtering Data in Excel:

What is Filtering?

  • Filtering allows you to display only the rows in a dataset that meet specific criteria, hiding the rest. It's particularly useful when dealing with large datasets where you're interested in analyzing a subset of the data.

How to Filter in Excel:

  1. Click anywhere in your dataset.
  2. Go to the Data tab on the ribbon and click on the Filter button.
  3. Small dropdown arrows will appear in each column header. Click on the dropdown arrow in the column by which you want to filter.
  4. Select or unselect values to determine which rows will be displayed. You can also set custom criteria.
  5. Click OK to apply the filter. The rows that don't meet the criteria will be temporarily hidden.
  6. To remove a filter and show all the data again, click the dropdown arrow again and choose Clear Filter.

Advanced Filtering:

  • Excel also allows for advanced filtering, where you can set up complex criteria with multiple conditions. This can be accessed from the Data tab under Sort & Filter.

Note: When data is filtered, Excel will show blue row numbers to indicate that not all data is currently visible.

5.4.12 Summarizing Data with Sub Totals

Summarizing data with subtotals in Excel allows you to automatically group and calculate partial totals for a set of data. It's especially useful when you have large datasets and want to quickly identify trends or summaries based on specific categories.

How to Use Subtotals in Excel:

  1. Prepare Your Data:
    • Ensure your data is in a list format and is sorted by the column you want to group by. For example, if you want subtotals for each salesperson, sort your data by the salesperson column.
  2. Insert Subtotals:
    • Click anywhere within your dataset.
    • Go to the Data tab on the ribbon.
    • Click on the Subtotal button.
    • In the Subtotal dialog box:
      • For At each change in:, select the column you want to group by.
      • For Use function:, select the function you want (e.g., Sum, Count, Average).
      • For Add subtotal to:, check the columns you want to calculate subtotals for.
    • Click OK. Excel will insert the subtotals.
  3. Viewing Levels:
    • After adding subtotals, Excel will provide you with three viewing levels in the left margin:
      • Level 1 shows the grand total.
      • Level 2 shows subtotals.
      • Level 3 shows all data.
  4. Removing Subtotals:
    • If you want to remove subtotals, go to the Data tab.
    • Click on Subtotal.
    • In the Subtotal dialog box, click Remove All.


  • Ensure that there are no blank rows in your data before adding subtotals, as this might disrupt the grouping.
  • You can apply filters after inserting subtotals to further analyze your summarized data.
  • Use the “Collapse” and “Expand” buttons (+/-) next to your data to quickly view or hide detailed data within each group.

Subtotals are a quick and efficient way to break down and analyze large datasets in Excel without needing to use more advanced tools like PivotTables.

5.4.13 Creating Chart

Creating charts in Excel is a powerful way to visualize data, making it easier to spot trends, patterns, and insights. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to create charts in Excel:

1. Prepare Your Data:

  • Ensure your data is organized in a clear manner. Typically, you'd have column headers or row labels that describe the data, and this will assist Excel in generating a more accurate chart.

2. Select Data:

  • Click and drag to highlight the range of data you want to include in your chart. This includes both the data points and, if applicable, the headers or labels.

3. Insert Chart:

  • Go to the Insert tab on the ribbon.
  • Here, you'll see various chart types such as Column, Line, Pie, Bar, Area, and more. Click on the dropdown arrow under each chart type to see more specific variations.
  • Choose the chart type that best fits your data. For example, use:
    • Column or Bar charts for comparing individual items.
    • Line or Area charts for showing trends over time.
    • Pie charts for displaying parts of a whole.
  • Click on the desired chart type, and Excel will insert a default version of that chart into your worksheet.

4. Customize Your Chart:

  • Chart Tools: Once a chart is added, Excel will display three new tabs in the ribbon under "Chart Tools": Design, Format, and (in newer versions) Chart Tools.
    • Design: Allows you to change the chart type, layout, style, move chart location, etc.
    • Format: Lets you customize individual elements like axis titles, data labels, legends, and more.
    • Chart Tools: (if available) Provides options for data, elements, and styles.
  • Click Elements Directly: In Excel, you can directly click on any chart element to customize it. For instance, clicking on the chart title allows you to edit the text. Right-clicking often provides more formatting options.

5. Move & Resize:

  • To move the chart, click on it, then click and drag using the border.
  • To resize, click on the chart, then click and drag any of the square handles at the chart's corners or sides.

6. Use Chart Shortcuts:

  • Right-clicking on different parts of the chart often provides quick access to essential functions like changing data, formatting, and more.
  • The plus (+) icon (in newer Excel versions) on the top right of the selected chart allows you to quickly add or remove chart elements.


  • Always choose a chart type that accurately represents your data. Misrepresentation can lead to misunderstanding or misinterpretation.
  • For better clarity, avoid clutter. For instance, a pie chart with too many slices might be hard to interpret.
  • Regularly referring to the print preview can be useful if you intend to print the chart, ensuring it appears as intended on paper.
  • In newer versions of Excel, when hovering over different chart types, Excel provides a live preview, showing how your data will look in the selected chart format.

Once you're familiar with the basics, you can explore more advanced charting options and tools, enhancing the visual appeal and clarity of your data representation.

5.4.14 Inserting Header and Footer

In Excel, headers and footers are lines of text that can appear at the top (header) and bottom (footer) of each printed page. They can be used to display information such as titles, page numbers, dates, and logos.

Here's how you can insert headers and footers in Excel:

1. Accessing Header and Footer Tools:

  1. Click on the View tab on the ribbon.

  2. In the Workbook Views group, click on Page Layout. This will allow you to see the header and footer areas directly on your worksheet.

    Alternatively, you can go to the Page Layout tab and click on the Print Titles button, then switch to the Header/Footer tab in the Page Setup dialog box.

2. Inserting a Header:

  1. In Page Layout view, you'll notice three areas in the header section: Left Section, Center Section, and Right Section.
  2. Click on the desired section where you want to add the header.
  3. Type your header text directly.
  4. If you want standardized header details (like page numbers, dates, or file names), use the Design tab that appears when you're in the header/footer section. It provides various preset elements you can insert.

3. Inserting a Footer:

  1. Scroll down to the bottom of your Excel sheet in Page Layout view to access the footer section.
  2. Just like the header, the footer has three sections: Left, Center, and Right.
  3. Click on the desired section and enter your footer text or use the elements from the Design tab.

4. Additional Options in the Design Tab:

  • Different First Page: If checked, allows a unique header/footer for the first page.
  • Different Odd & Even Pages: If checked, you can have alternating headers/footers for odd and even pages.
  • Presets: Quick options for standard headers/footers.
  • Page Number, Total Pages, Current Date, Current Time, File Path, File Name, Sheet Name: Quickly insert these details into your header or footer with one click.

5. Returning to Normal View:

  1. Once you've finished editing your header and footer, click anywhere outside these areas or switch back to Normal view using the View tab.

When you print your Excel workbook, the header and footer will appear on each printed page as you've set them up. Remember that headers and footers are exclusive to printed pages or PDF exports; they won't appear in the standard Excel working view (except in the Page Layout view).

5.4.15 Spell Checking

Spell checking is a feature in Excel, as in many other Microsoft Office applications, that allows users to identify and correct spelling errors in their worksheets. Here's how you can use the spell check function in Excel:

1. Running a Spell Check:

  1. Select the range of cells you want to check. If you don't select anything, Excel will check the entire worksheet.
  2. Go to the Review tab on the ribbon.
  3. Click on Spelling or press F7 on your keyboard.
  4. The Spelling dialog box will open, and Excel will begin checking for spelling errors.

5.4.16 Importing from and exporting into other Formats

Microsoft Excel provides robust capabilities to import data from and export data into various formats. This is especially helpful when you're working across different platforms or software. Here's a guide on how to handle importing and exporting in Excel:

Importing Data into Excel:

  1. From Text Files (.txt, .csv):
    • Go to the Data tab on the ribbon.
    • Click on Get Data or From Text (the exact option might vary based on your Excel version).
    • Browse and select the file you wish to import.
    • Follow the steps in the Text Import Wizard, specifying how your data is delimited (e.g., commas, tabs, spaces) and set the data format for each column.
  2. From Other Databases (SQL, Access, etc.):
    • Go to the Data tab.
    • Click on Get Data.
    • Choose the appropriate source, such as "From Database" or "From Azure".
    • Follow the prompts to connect to your database and select the data you wish to import.
  3. From Other Excel Workbooks:
    • Go to the Data tab.
    • Click on Get Data > From File > From Workbook.
    • Browse and select the workbook.
    • Choose the sheets or tables you want to import.
  4. From the Web:
    • Go to the Data tab.
    • Click on Get Data > From Other Sources > From Web.
    • Enter the web URL, and follow the prompts to select and import data.

Exporting Data from Excel:

  1. To Text Files (.txt, .csv):
    • Go to File > Save As.
    • Choose the location where you want to save the file.
    • From the dropdown file type list, select Text (Tab delimited) or CSV (Comma delimited).
    • Name your file and click Save.
  2. To PDF:
    • Go to File > Save As.
    • Choose the location where you want to save the file.
    • From the dropdown file type list, select PDF.
    • Name your file and click Save.
  3. To Other Excel Formats (e.g., .xls, .ods):
    • Go to File > Save As.
    • Choose the location where you want to save the file.
    • From the dropdown file type list, select the desired format like Excel 97-2003 Workbook (.xls) or OpenDocument Spreadsheet (.ods).
    • Name your file and click Save.
  4. To XML:
    • Go to File > Save As.
    • Choose the location where you want to save the file.
    • From the dropdown file type list, select XML Data (*.xml).
    • Name your file and click Save.


  • When exporting data, always double-check the exported file to ensure all data has been transferred correctly and is formatted as desired.
  • Some data might lose certain features or formatting when converted to different formats. For example, formulas in Excel might not be active in a CSV file.
  • There are also third-party add-ins and tools available to extend Excel's native import and export capabilities.

5.4.17 Page Setting, Previewing and Printing

In Excel, the process of preparing your document for print involves adjusting page settings, previewing the layout to see how it will look on paper, and then sending it to the printer. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to handle page settings, previewing, and printing:

1. Page Setting:

Page Layout Tab: All of the essential page settings are found under the Page Layout tab in the ribbon.

  • Orientation: Choose between 'Portrait' and 'Landscape'.
  • Size: Select the paper size you'll be printing on, e.g., A4, Letter, etc.
  • Margins: Set margins for the top, bottom, left, and right of your document. There are also preset options like 'Narrow' and 'Wide'.
  • Print Area: Define a specific range of cells to be printed. This is useful if you don't want to print the entire worksheet.
  • Breaks: Insert or remove page breaks. This helps define where one page ends and the next begins.
  • Background: Set a background image. (Note: Excel backgrounds are for screen display only and won't print by default.)
  • Print Titles: If you want the row and column titles to appear on every printed page.

Sheet Options: These allow you to specify if you want to print the gridlines and headings.

Page Setup Dialog Box: Clicking the little arrow in the bottom-right corner of the Page Setup group opens a more detailed dialog where you can adjust all the settings mentioned above and additional settings like print order and options for quality.

2. Previewing:

Before printing, it's crucial to preview your document to see how it will look.

  • Go to the File tab.
  • Select Print. On the right, you'll see a print preview of your document. If it doesn’t look right, go back and adjust your page settings.
  • Use the arrows below the preview to navigate between pages if your document spans multiple pages.

3. Printing:

Once you've adjusted your settings and previewed your document, you're ready to print.

  • Select Printer: From the Print menu (under the File tab), choose the printer you want to use from the dropdown list.
  • Copies: Define the number of copies you want to print.
  • Print: Once satisfied with the setup and preview, click the Print button.


  • If you're printing a large spreadsheet, consider scaling it to fit on a single page or defining print areas to break the document logically across pages.
  • If your printout is being cut off, adjust the margins or change the orientation.
  • Use the 'Print Titles' option if you have headers/labels that you want to appear on each page. It's useful for large datasets that span multiple pages.
  • Always double-check the print preview to ensure that your document will print as expected, minimizing paper wastage.

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