what is microprocessor? || microprocessor examples || microprocessor types

 what is microprocessor? || microprocessor examples || microprocessor types

microprocessor define


Microprocessor define

The microprocessor is the programmable device that takes in number, performs on them arithmetic and logical operations according to the program stored in memory and then produce output number as a result.

A microprocessor is an electronic component that is used by a computer to do its work. It is also called an integrated circuit (IC).  Microprocessors move data from one memory address to another location. It is a multipurpose, clock-driven and digital-integrated circuit. Microprocessor accepts input as a binary number and processes it according to instruction and stored in its memory and provides results as output.


A microprocessor makes our daily life easier because of their low cost, low power, small weight, and vast application in every field. There are several applications of microprocessors. Microprocessor-based systems are used in instructions, automatic testing product, speed control of motors, traffic light control.

An application, where a microprocessor is used, is mention below:-

  • The microprocessor is used in traffic light control.
  • It is used in military applications.
  • It is used in personal computers.
  • It is also used in mobile phones and television.
  • It is used in calculators and game machine.


  • Household Devices
  • Transportation Industry
  • Medicals
  • Entertainment
  • Communication


The Intel 4004 is a 4-bit central processing unit (CPU) released by Intel
Corporation in 1971. It was the first commercially available microprocessor. It
began as the "Busicom Project", a joint development by America's Intel and Japan's Busicom with initial design concepts by Busicom's Masatoshi
Shima and Sharp's Tadashi Sasaki in 1968.

Some of the microprocessor and their invention date their transistor and max-clock speed are shown below in the table

Evolution of Microprocessor 8085 Introduction Theteche.com

Von Neumann Architecture or IAS (Immediate Access store)

Von Neumann, the architecture was first published by John von Neumann in 1945. In Vonn Neumann architecture program data and instruction data are stored in the computer program concept. Where instruction data and program data are stored in the same memory. It is also known as the Von Neumann model or Princeton architecture. Vonn Neumann architecture design consists of a Control Unit, ALU(Arithmetic Logic Unit), Mu (Memory Unit),  Resister and Inputs/Outputs.

A Diagram of von Neumann Architecture is given below:-

The basic component of the microprocessor

  • CPU
  • Program Memory
  • Data Memory
  • Outputs ports
  • Input Ports
  • Clock Generator

The figure of COMPONENT is showing bellow:-


Microprocessors are classified into five types:-
  1. CSIC-Complex Instruction Set Microprocessors.
  2. RISC-Reduced Instruction Set Microprocessor.
  3. ASIC-Application Specific Integrated Circuit.
  4. Superscalar Processors.
  5. DSP's-Digital Signal Micro process.


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